Why Vegan?

Veganism is a principle rooted in the recognition that causing pain, suffering, and death to other sentient beings should be avoided as far as possible and practicable. By choosing plant-based alternatives and opposing animal exploitation, we are active participants in a more just and peaceful world. While veganism is a principle to prevent exploitation of animals, it has consequences that extend beyond our relationships with them.


For the animals.

Countless animals are needlessly harmed, exploited, and killed to satiate the demand for animal products around the world. As stated by the largest nutrition and dietetic associations, humans have no biological need to consume animals or their secretions. Choosing plant-based products helps to create a fair world for all living beings.


For the planet.

While we are often quick to point the finger at oil companies, one of the leading causes of environmental destruction is animal agriculture. The exploitation of trillions of animals every year is not only harmful to the victims of that industry, but it also causes unspeakable damage to the biodiversity and sustainability of the planet we call home.


For people.

All across the globe, rising rates of preventable diseases are destroying the quality of life for millions of people. Most people are never educated on the potential health benefits that come with making the ethical commitment of no longer exploiting animals. A healthy, vegan diet holds the power to heal millions of people from chronic diseases and save lives.


New to veganism?

Visit our dedicated resource site to learn how veganism positively impacts animals, the environment, and people.