WTF Diamond
Here's the inside scoop on the WTF Diamond: how it works and why it's a powerful tool for animal advocacy.
A WTF Diamond is a creative and impactful street activism demonstration that utilizes a human formation resembling a diamond to raise awareness of animal exploitation.
We've empowered hundreds of WTF teams worldwide to run our impactful Diamond events. Each Diamond is a beacon of truth, constructed with a unified core message. Our dedicated team is split into two dynamic groups: the Diamond team, who physically create the formation, and the outreach team, who engage with the public drawn in by the display. Together, they create a captivating and impactful experience.

The "how"
The diamond explained
Activists band together, forming a human "diamond" that projects graphic footage exposing the realities of animal exploitation in factory farms. This powerful visual compels onlookers to confront the truth, sparking meaningful conversations about veganism. Alongside the "diamond," a dedicated team of activists engage with the public, answering questions and fostering a deeper understanding of the vegan movement.
Why the diamond shines
In today's fast-paced world, capturing attention and sparking meaningful conversations can be a challenge. The WTF Diamond exists to cut through the noise and illuminate the plight of animals exploited in factory farms. By forming a human diamond and projecting powerful visuals, it becomes an undeniable symbol for compassion. This creative approach disrupts the status quo, prompting onlookers to confront uncomfortable truths. The WTF Diamond serves as a catalyst, igniting conversations about veganism and empowering individuals to make informed choices that align with a more ethical and sustainable future.

Tracking your impact
For those curious about veganism, our activists will offer them a personal code granting access to a treasure trove of resources on our website, www.3movies.wtf. This lets them explore top-notch vegan documentaries, challenges, apps and more! Through a handy MyStats dashboard, our activists can track the impact they've made - the number of people inspired to visit the site, watch documentaries, and take the next step towards a vegan future. By analyzing this impact data, we can change our strategy accordingly to be as efficient as possible.
Ready to make a difference?
Be part of our movement and be a voice for farmed animals. Find a team near you, or apply to be an organizer and start your own!

During my first WTF event, I saw some activists who I haven't seen for months. It was really encouraging to see them "come alive" again!
They were so positive about We The Free, and told me about how they have had such a good experience with it. Also, I met new people who were joining an event for the first time, which was incredibly inspiring! It helps to know that we are still growing as a community, and that people are motivated to become active! The movement needed this breath of fresh air, and I am so looking forward to seeing it develop even more in the future.
WTF: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Diamond FAQs
Still have questions? No worries! Just send us a message and one of our team members will respond as quickly as possible.
You can find a WTF team near you on our ‘Get Involved’ page. If there isn't a team in your area, you can also apply to be an organizer and start your own!
Basically just you, your enthusiasm, and a few hours per week. WTF provides all the training, support, and induction that you need to get started, in addition to helping fund the essential equipment such as screens and signs.
None at all - if you're coming to your first WTF event, you might be suprised by just how welcoming our events are! Please make sure to arrive 15 minutes early for a briefing, and let your organizer know it's your first event so that they can properly support you.
Tried-and-tested for multiple years, WTF Diamonds are eye-catching formations that resemble art installations. Everything from the way people stand to the masks and screens on display is carefully designed to cause intrigue and attract attention. This event format is a catalyst to the important part: the conversations that follow.
Having experimented with various event formats for the past 4 years, early evidence suggests that the WTF Movie Challenge event format is most likely more effective. This is due to activists regularly reporting more conversations and a higher percentage of effective conversations. This is backed up by the data we've collected, but it's too soon to say for certain.
For this reason, we are currently recommending that teams prioritise the Movie Challenge. However, what we don't yet know is how different demographics might react or be impacted by the different formats. For example, are there certain age groups or gender identities that are more likely to take the movie challenge over the diamond? We don't know yet. For this reason, it's totally fine if you or your team wants to prioritise one or both event formats.
If you love what we do, but you aren't able to take part yourself, there are other ways to support us, such as making a donation.
There are a few different roles at a WTF Diamond, and it's common for people to take turns doing all of the roles:
The Diamond Team: Volunteers in the Diamond are responsible for holding a sign or a screen. You will typically swap out after 30 minutes (or earlier if needed) to take a break.
The Outreach Team: Outreach team volunteers talk to members of the public who stop to view footage.
Stall Volunteers: Some teams also run a stall or table alongside Diamonds, giving out samples or resources.
Don't worry - If it's your first time attending, you are welcome to shadow experienced activists and learn the roles from them.
You are welcome to wear a We The Free shirt or sweater to events, but it isn’t required. If you don’t have a WTF shirt, a navy blue top is ideal since you’ll match with the rest of your group. If you don’t have navy blue, choose another dark shirt.
Please do NOT wear any animal-derived clothing such as leather, suede, wool, or silk, even if it's old or second hand.
You should NOT wear clothing with vegan slogans or messaging, as this will often give away the purpose of the event, leading to members of the public "dodging" conversations because of preconceptions around veganism.
If you want to get your hands on our high quality & ethically produced WTF branded clothing, click here.
You don't have to bring anything with you, but we do recommend being prepared for adverse weather conditions depending on where are located. Items such as an umbrella, rain jacket, warm clothing, some cruelty-free sunblock, or a bottle of water could come in handy!
While there are different variants of the video for special events and languages, they are all similar in that they show legal and standard practice footage from high-welfare farms which represents the reality of life for the majority of farmed animals worldwide. The footage is a harrowing watch, but we often find that it leads to honest and productive conversations with those who watch it.
Yes. Although there is graphic footage playing, many activists choose not to personally watch it. If you wish to engage in outreach conversations (speaking to members of the public about veganism & animal rights) then it's neccesary that you are at least familiar with the content of the footage so that you can discuss it with them. To stand in the Diamond and hold a screen, it's not essential that you ever see the footage.
Start by creating an account at www.mystats.wtf, and registering your unique referral code to 3movies.wtf. If you talk to someone at the Diamond event, simply share your referral code along with the link to 3movies, and check back later on MyStats to see how many people visited the website!
The truth is, graphic and violent footage can be traumatizing. We would prefer to show non-graphic footage that celebrates the rich inner lives of animals. The problem is that we've tried this and we've found that it's usually less effective. What's happening to animals is a global atrocity, and we have a duty to act, even if some people get upset along the way.

Level up your advocacy
As a WTF volunteer, you'll have free access to a wealth of training materials, including workshops and training courses, designed to hone your advocacy skills and communication techniques. Visit our Training section to unlock your full potential as an advocate.