2023: The Year in Review

Reflecting on the highlights, key events, and noteworthy achievements from the past year.

A letter from the
Operations Director.

2023 was a year of milestones for We The Free. I’m so thrilled to share some of what we accomplished as a community and what we are looking forward to in 2024.

We are proud to share that in 2023 we supported over 750 volunteer-led street outreach events, facilitated by 88 teams in 22 countries around the world. These events were organized and executed by activists empowered through a variety of training, from our flagship Inspiring Behaviour Change workshop to farmer outreach, nonviolent communication, fostering activist resilience, and so much more! Investment into activist skills and promoting activist well-being is core to We The Free.

We are encouraged by the relationships we’ve fostered over 2023 with organizations like Animal Rising, Animal Think Tank, Faunalytics, and Animal Activism Mentorship, just to name a few. These relationships provide meaningful opportunities for activists to develop their skills, participate in more events, and take an informed approach to advocacy. In fact, it was at an Animal Rising event that one of our very own Directors allegedly glued himself to the hood of a police car when he was unable to reach the race track. These collaborations serve to further unite our animal rights movement towards our common goal of animal liberation.

We are optimistic about the exciting initiatives planned for this year. We will share new opportunities to outreach pre-vegans from the comfort of activist’s own homes. We will offer skill development opportunities to learn at one’s own pace. Above all else, we will continue to offer a safe, inclusive space for animal advocates to foster community and speak on behalf of those oppressed.

As animal activists, the sheer scale of animal suffering by human hands can be overwhelming. But there are glimmers of hope. Reasons to be optimistic. The thousands of inspiring individuals who make up this community come first to my mind. Please read on to explore more of what we accomplished together in 2023…

Zachary Champoux
Man wearing WTF jumper having an outreach conversation.

Zachary Champoux | Operations Director

making a difference

Our Impact

Considering the immense extent of animal suffering, we acknowledge our moral responsibility to use resources effectively. To achieve this, we aim for measurable results. This year, again our main areas of emphasis were creating vegan advocacy and building a movement, each with four key measures of success.

In 2023, we had an inspiration rate of 43.9% across We The Free. This represents a more than 33% increase in conversions from vegan conversations since last year, and that is amazing to see. Still, we caution hesitancy with celebrating these results just yet…

There are lots of reasons that we hypothesize could be responsible for this increase. First, the good things;

  • The overwhelming majority of feedback we received from teams who tried the WTF 3 Minute Movie Challenge feel like it’s a more effective form of activism, and they have a higher percentage of “good conversations” compared to when they tried the WTF Diamond or other similar event formats. With that in mind, most of the events we held this year were movie challenge events, so we would expect to see a higher conversion rate. 

  • We already know that the training WTF provide to our activists received fantastic feedback, and this year we trained over 1,250 activists. We would expect to see better conversion rates from a highly trained volunteer base.

  • Our survey results in both 2022 and 2023 (more on this later) shows that we are doing a good job of inspiring and retaining activists - it makes sense that a growing number of more experienced and skilled activists in our ranks would lead to more good conversations.

We are also, however, mindful of these areas of concern:

  • The current iteration of the MyStats data and analytics platform is complex and still in development, there is a risk that some of the data we collect could be inaccurate or poorly recorded. 

  • The system relies on self-reported data for how many 3movies.wtf resource cards were handed out. If people under-reported this, whether intentionally or unintentionally, it would artificially inflate this conversion rate and make it look like we are being more efficient than we really are.

We already started working with our new design and development team (more on this below) to address these concerns and gain a higher level of certainty around the data we collect and what it tells us. For this reason, we aren’t doing a deep dive into all the statistics from 2023 just yet, you can expect more analysis on our blogpost once we better address our concerns, circa April 2024.

We The Free's inspiration rate (43.9% - 33% increase on last year) overlayed on image of WTF volunteer having an outreach conversation with young couple.

Vegan Advocacy KPI

The more we engage with members of the public, the more opportunities we have to inspire behaviour change towards adoption of a vegan lifestyle and long-term reduction of funding for animal agriculture. Our thriving network of volunteers is reaching more people than ever before with a message of compassion for animals.

Graphic showing 774 events organised - 55% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of young couple visibly upset at footage.
Graphic showing 6,000 volunteers empowered - 88% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteer having outreach conversation.
Graphic showing 6,121 meaningful conversations - 37% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of young girl visibly upset at footage.
Graphic showing 22 countries connected - 83% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of a group of WTF volunteers holding signs.

Movement Building KPI

What's more powerful than getting someone to go vegan? How about motivating a vegan who isn't active to get involved, encouraging an activist to take on a leadership role, or providing training that really boosts an activist's impact and staying power in the movement?

We are incredibly proud of what we achieved in terms of team growth, and the investments we made in the sustainability of our volunteers in terms of induction, training, and resources. We are equally proud of inspiring and supporting so many activists to take their first steps into leadership within the animal rights movement; we can’t wait to see this new generation of leaders innovating and driving change for years to come.

Graphic showing 100 teams formed - 117% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of group of WTF volunteers holding a banner with Dalmatian playing nearby.
Graphic showing 107 organisers recruited - 70% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteers smiling.
Graphic showing 81 new leaders inducted - 189% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteers smiling.
Graphic showing 1,250+ trainees invested in - 150% increase on last year. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteer having outreach conversation with young couple.

The 3 Minute Movie Challenge

After a year of testing the 3-minute movie challenge, most teams that have given it a shot view it as a superior option to our more traditional WTF diamond events.

There's room for improvement, particularly in optimising strategies for managing large volunteer numbers with limited screens. Nevertheless, the 3-minute movie challenge stands out as the leading technology for street outreach. Moving forward, we'll provide training sessions on maximising its potential and recommend it as the preferred event format. Here’s a few reasons why the 3-minute movie challenge has been so successful:


Our Training

When we surveyed the movement, only 10% of Activist Organizers shared that they get training to help them grow as leaders. Volunteers mentioned that training is either inconsistent, unprofessional, or lacks evidence-based approaches, thus We The Free was founded. Just in the past year, we've given free training to over 1,250 activists in the movement.

We’ve Provided 32 Trainings This Year

At We The Free, we embrace growth. We are committed to enhancing our ability to advocate for nonhuman animals through every possible means available to us. One of the key ways we do this is through the provision of comprehensive training sessions for our volunteers. In the past year alone, we conducted 32 sessions, empowering our volunteers with the skills and knowledge they need to be effective advocates for animals.

James and Jen delivering an in-person Inspiring Behaviour Change Workshop.

Our Diverse Range of Trainings

This year, we offered 8 different types of training sessions, each tailored to address distinct needs and empower our volunteers with valuable skills.

Our Inspiring Behaviour Change Workshop

This training is built on insights from decades of social science and behavioural change research. It incorporates a rich body of research from areas like animal rights and other social justice issues, guiding trainees on effective practices. This includes tips on asking questions, understanding body language, developing a positive attitude toward non-vegans, and addressing some of the objections to veganism.

Graphic showing 98.9% of people said training content was interesting. Overlayed on image of James delivering Inspiring Behaviour Change workshop.
Graphic showing 100% said the trainer was knowledgeable. Overlayed on image of James delivering Inspiring Behaviour Change workshop.
Graphic showing 97.7% will use the training content in their advocacy. Overlayed on image of a WTF volunteer having an outreach conversation.
Graphic showing 100% said they would recommend the training to a friend. Overlayed on an image of two WTF volunteers hugging.

Our Conflict Resolution Workshop

This workshop equips activists with vital skills for handling conflicts within the animal rights movement and engaging positively with the public. Participants gain insights into conflict dynamics, learn effective communication strategies like active listening, and explore resolution techniques to strengthen connections within the movement. Emphasizing self-awareness and emotional management, the training helps activists navigate conflicts with composure and compassion. Through interactive role-play, attendees gain practical experience in conflict management, transforming disagreements into opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and stronger advocacy efforts.

Graphic showing 98.9% said training content was interesting. Overlayed on image of James delivering a training workshop.
Graphic showing 100% said the trainer was knowledgeable. Overlayed on image of James and Jen smiling.
Graphic showing 97.7% said they will use the training content in their advocacy. Overlayed on image of Tash Peterson talking to a member of public.
Graphic showing 100% said they would recommend the training to a friend. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteer holding a sign.

Social Media

In the world that is interconnected through the digital space, social media has become a powerful tool for raising awareness and fostering a global conversation about ethical treatment towards animals and embracing a vegan lifestyle. Our social media has been pivotal in making our workshops and data-tracking resources accessible to activists globally while showcasing the impact of our street outreach styles alongside inspiring people to get active for the animals.

“An effective conversation on the street inspires one person to choose compassion and adopt veganism. The same conversation recorded and posted on social media inspires meaningful change in thousands of people and empowers several vegans to take action for the animals. Social media has the power to amplify the victim’s voice across borders, ethnicities, languages and makes the animals an advocate for their rights.”

Panch S
Girl smiling wearing a WTF top with two dogs pressing noses in the middle.

Panch S | Social Media Manager

What We’ve Achieved

In 2023, our social media impact soared with a remarkable surge in follower growth, expanding our online community and amplifying our message. The reach of our content reached new heights, drawing in a wider audience as reflected in increased profile visits and website interactions, marking a year of substantial achievements in spreading awareness and engagement.

Graphic showing 9k+ SM follower growth - 250% increase on last year. Overlayed on photo of phone showing WTF's Instagram.
Graphic showing 6m+ SM reach - 1100% increase on last year. Overlayed on photo of laptop showing WTF's Facebook.
Graphic showing 60k+ SM profile visits - 100% increase on last year. Overlayed on photo of phone showing WTF's Instagram.
Graphic showing 98k+ visits across our websites - 459% increase on last year. Overlayed on photo of laptop showing WTF's website.


In 2023, we proudly established various exciting collaborations, encompassing partnerships with sanctuaries, participation in conferences and events, engagement in festivals and markets, and alliances with other charitable organizations.

We Crafted 700+ Unique Pieces of Content

Explore a selection of our posts from the year—ranging from viral sensations to unique gems.


Our Community

There’s nothing more important to We The Free than ensuring the sustainability of our activism. We’ve learned that in order to be as effective as possible, volunteers and organizers must feel safe, appreciated, and empowered. For this reason, We The Free’s main strategic focus is to inspire and support strong and resilient communities.

“Without a strong sense of community, our movement crumbles, hindering our ability to carry out our crucial work for animals. We understand that interpersonal conflicts are bound to occur so our goal is to empower activists to work through these conflicts in a healthy and constructive way. Maintaining a positive and inclusive community that people feel a part of is vital as we work together to achieve animal liberation.”

Jen Deighan-Schenk
Image of lady with glasses on cuddling a piglet.

Jen Deighan-Schenk | Community Manager

In a Nutshell

We strongly believe in building a strong and united community as a crucial part of advancing our cause. Regularly organizing team-building and community events is a fundamental aspect of our strategy to realize this vision. The most recent feedback confirms that our approach is producing positive outcomes. In the current year, we arranged a total of 102 community events, accompanied by team socials after each one. An impressive 97.9% of participants expressed that these gatherings significantly strengthened their connection with their peers.

Graphic showing we hosted 102 community events this year. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteers doing a team-building exercise.
Graphic showing 83.9% experienced more activism happening in their community. Overlayed on group photo of WTF volunteers.
Graphic showing 97.9% said our community events helped them feel closer to their peers. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteers holding banner at picnic.

More Feedback From Our Community

In our 2023 mid-year Pulse Survey, respondents told us:

Graphic showing 93.2% feel valued as a member of WTF. Overlayed over image of WTF volunteers smiling.
Graphic showing 95.5% think WTF's commitment to community building is a worthwhile cause. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteers having picnic.
Quote which reads "I had no vegan friends before joining WTF, or a community of any kind. It's changed my life."
Graphic showing 97.7% think WTF is a positive and inclusive community. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteer having an outreach conversation.
Quote which reads "I think WTF has an air of inclusivity to all. I'm queer and I feel WTF is inclusive of all genders sexes and races."

Solidarity Day

More than 100 activists from across the UK gathered for our second annual Solidarity Day. In this epic 6 hour event, we constructed the largest TV street outreach demonstration that We The Free has ever seen. Later in the day, we broke off into smaller groups and ran 3 Minute Movie Challenges. In total, we had more than 300 outreach conversations. Despite the rain relentlessly pouring down on us for the entire duration of the event, we persevered and came together in solidarity for the animals. We had a community celebration afterwards where we shared pizza and built lasting connections.

Around 100 WTF volunteers taking a group photo for solidarity day. Some holding banners, some doing the three finger salute.

Our Speech at VCO ‘23 UK

With more than 2000 audience members, Sash Joliffe and Jen Deighan-Schenk delivered a talk at Vegan Campout to break down why the coaching method is a powerful tool in our activism and how we apply it in the 3 Minute Movie Challenge. After the talk concluded, the We The Free stall had a large lineup of people waiting to speak with Sash & Jen to thank them and to sign up for a WTF team in their area. The entire weekend was filled with fostering genuine relationships with other activists and organizations.

Jen reflected on her journey during farm investigations, expressing frustration in her advocacy. She acknowledged that initial confrontational outreach left her disheartened, facing challenges in fostering meaningful conversations. Jen emphasized key findings from Faunalytics' research, highlighting the potency of educational approaches over disruptive protests or debates in inspiring behavior change. Stressing the significance of adopting a coaching mentality, she urged fellow advocates to prioritize empathy as a crucial tool for positive change for animals.

Sash's engaging talk introduced We The Free, a dedicated organization supporting vegan advocacy teams. Emphasizing a therapeutic approach inspired by Dr. Melanie Joy's works, Sash explored the inefficiency of shaming in vegan advocacy. The talk covered successful communication strategies, the social contract concept, and the significance of evidence-based research in promoting veganism. Sash concluded with a compelling call to embrace compassion, drawing from real-world experiences and advocating for a shift towards a more empathetic and understanding approach to fostering change.

Sash and Jen taking a selfie with over 2000 audience members at Vegan Campout.
Sash on stage at Vegan Campout giving a talk. Standing in front of laptop with microphone.

Our Speech at VCO ‘23 Australia

We The Free had a magnificent time at Australia’s very first Vegan Campout! An incredible team of over 15 volunteers braved the rain and mud over 3 days and made a big splash at the biggest vegan gathering in Australian history. Over 100 patrons joined us at our stall to learn about WTF, chat about activism and play our vegan outreach strategy game. Our team was able to help inspire numerous individuals to get active and connected with a number of patrons motivated to start WTF teams in their area. Australia is a big and very sparse country meaning vegans in major cities are usually very distant from one and other. As such, it was so truly wonderful to see many of our team able to have such resonant and inspiring conversations with so many vegans from around the country at such an exciting event.

“I had the fantastic opportunity to deliver 2 talks at Australia's first ever vegan campout in 2023. The first of our talks was aimed at inspiring vegans to get active and conveyed not only the moral imperative in taking action for animals but also how easy, welcoming and fulfilling being part of an activism community can be! The second of our talks was Inspiring Behaviour Change - our fantastic coaching framework delivered monthly by We The Free online to help empower vegans and activists with evidence based strategies for communicating animal rights and veganism to the public. It was absolutely incredible to be able to speak to a group of people at VCO that were already so primed and motivated to make meaningful change for animals and I can't wait to connect more with the attendees.”

Image of man crouched down stroking brown and white dog.

Kai | Regional Support - Oceania

Audience members sat on blankets on the grass inside a tent whilst Kai gives his speech.
Kai giving his speech
Kai giving his speech.

Our Presence at Asia Farm Animal Day

We identified at the end of 2022 that we wanted to focus more of our efforts on supporting vegan advocacy in the Global South. Thanks to generous travel scholarship awards from the Animal & Vegan Advocacy Summit, we were able to have a strong presence at the Asia Farm Animal Day conference in Kuala Lumpur, where we connected with dozens of advocacy organizations and individuals from dozens of countries. We can’t wait to see these collaborations blossom in the coming months!

WTF staff members talking to the public at a stall for AFAD.
WTF staff member smiling for a group photo.

Some of Our Other Speeches

VegFest Unity Panel members sat in a row with audience members watching on. Sash is using the microphone.

Unifying the Vegan Movement: Collaborative Strategies for Collective Impact.

Sash Jolliffe participated in a VegFest UK Unity Panel in Bristol and London. These engaging discussions focused on fostering unity within the vegan movement. Eight leading organizations, including WTF, were recognized as key players, resulting in increased partnerships. The panels aimed to showcase how diverse organizations can leverage their unique strengths through collaborations, working together for a shared vision of a more compassionate world.

Jen giving a speech at COP28 using a white and red megaphone.

Our COP28 Speech: The Promise We Keep

One of our focuses this year has been growing our community through collaborations with other animal rights groups. We had numerous groups join us for Solidarity Day, including Viva! For COP28, Viva! Invited us to join their demonstration and deliver a speech. Rather than speak about the environmental implications of animal exploitation, our Community Development Manager, Jen, presented a speech to speak about her experience as an activist and the promise she keeps to animals. Jen described the horrors she uncovered while liberating hens at a massive egg farm in Ontario, Canada. She empowered the audience to continue taking action for animals until their final breath. The speech was very well received and many individuals commented how it ignited them with inspiration.

WTF volunteers posing for a group photo with signs and huge white and green banner that reads "Save the Octopuses"

Voices Unheard, Lives Unseen: Paving the Path to Compassion

We The Free, alongside prominent global organizations like PACMA, Animal Save, and Greenpeace, joined forces at the International Octopus Festival in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Together, they opposed the establishment of the first octopus farm, utilizing the 3 Minute Movie Challenge format in events worldwide to raise awareness and gather signatures. This collaborative effort successfully halted the project. Sash, an Ambassador of We The Free, delivered a compelling talk titled "Voices Unheard, Lives Unseen: Paving the Path to Compassion" during the festival. The talk emphasized We The Free's dedication to animal rights, justice, and non-violence, urging action and unity to create a world free from exploitation, with a focus on consent and the alarming reality of lives lost.

Conflict in the Movement

The prevalence of infighting across our movement is one of the reasons for founding WTF: when we surveyed over 1100 vegan activists, they told us that infighting and toxic communication were leading causes of burnout and withdrawal from activism. The typical experience of WTF volunteers is relatively harmonious, and disagreements often don’t seem to “blow up”. This is not accidental, and a lot of work goes into this behind the scenes, from the work we put into intentional culture development, how we have inducted and supported local and regional leaders, and the training we have provided both. 

In 2023, our team resolved more than 10 escalated conflicts that threatened to tear our community apart. This involved fact finding calls, strategy meetings, meetings with an external HR consultant, peer mediation, follow-up calls, and more. In total, our team members collectively spent an estimated 150 hours effectively managing conflicts this year.

Graphic showing there were 10+ escalated conflicts resolved. Overlayed on image of WTF team doing team-building exercises.
Graphic showing 150 hours were spent effectively managing conflicts. Overlayed on image of WTF team doing team-building exercises.
Graphic showing 82.1% experienced their local vegan community feeling more united. Overlayed on image of WTF volunteers taking a group photo.
Graphic showing 87.5% experienced conflicts being resolved effectively. Overlayed on group photo of WTF volunteers.

More From Our Community


Looking Ahead at 2024

Embarking on the journey of 2024 with renewed passion and purpose, we set our sights on furthering our mission, fostering greater community engagement, and achieving even more in our advocacy for animal rights and veganism.

“As always, we are setting ambitious goals for the year ahead. In our 2024 roadmap, you will see us aiming high with our targets for new teams worldwide, exciting collaborations, and an online advocacy project that I believe will be revolutionary for our advocacy.”

James Hattersley | Founder & Executive Director

Image of a smiling man feeding a lamb with a bottle.
James Hattersley

Our Targets For Next Year

Starting 150 new teams in 2024 might not seem like a gargantuan task, but our onboarding process is built different: one of the most common peices of feedback WTF receives is that organizers feel exceptionally well supported, so imagine how much work goes into making that happen. To achieve our goals in 2024, we will need to start an average of 12 new teams every month, or 4 per week. To acheive these targets, we will need your help in promoting WTF!

Recruiting 90 new leaders (i.e. someone being a local organizer for the first time ever) is a target that puts in writing our commitment to creating new activism where it previously didn’t really exist, and empowering the next generation of leaders that will continue to drive forward progress and innovations.

Training 3000 activists might not sound that many, but the vast majority of our trainings are live interactive workshops with 20-50 participants: you will see from our below roadmap how that’s going to change over the coming year with us launching more accessible elearnings to supplement our current training offerings.


Illustration of half a globe with map markers on.

Total teams worldwide


Illustration of people with cogs in the background.

Activists trained


Illustration of people inside half a circle.

New leaders

Events held

Illustration of pig inside half a heart.


WTF's roadmap showing goals for all 4 quarters of 2024.

As you can see, 2024 is already a jam-packed year of collaborations, design & development projects, and team growth, and this isn’t even everything, this plan was built before we knew we would have a large presence at the Vegan Animal Rights Conference in the UK in April, and other events that have not yet been announced.

Perhaps the most exciting and “new” thing here is the development project for the online 3 Minute Movie Challenge: more on that later!

Our Social Media in 2024

We have several exciting plans for 2024. We intend to double the number of social media collaborations with the wider animal rights community promoting a culture of knowledge sharing from experts and empowering activists globally. Our innovative social media campaigns will inspire more vegans to get active for the animals and focus on sustainable activism. We are enthralled to share that we will be launching awesome content on our YouTube channel too and look out for our activist spotlight.

We have 3 broad objectives for 2024:

  1. Reach non-vegans with engaging vegan content

  2. Inspire non-active vegans to get active

  3. Inspire active vegans to step into leadership roles

If you engaged with any of our social media content this year then we’d like to say thank you for supporting these goals. If you haven't already, follow our socials to stay in the loop with everything WTF.

3 social media posts with doodle-style arrows showing which goal they seek to hit.

Unveiling Our New Project

We're thrilled to introduce a new project aiming to revolutionize online vegan advocacy. Street outreach has shown transformative impact, evident in our data with over 30% conversion from resource cards to website visits. However, online campaigns often lack the personal touch of coaching conversations. Our solution is an app where activists can join live video chats with individuals taking the 3-minute movie challenge, providing inspiration, guidance, and resources. This bridges the gap between impactful street advocacy and the vast reach of social media. With targeted marketing and incentives, we aim to make vegan outreach accessible anytime, anywhere. Stay tuned for the launch in the coming year!

4 mobile screens showing different features of the new 3minutes platform.

Solidarity Day 2024

Following the roaring success of Solidarity Day 2023 (despite the horrendous weather), the Solidarity Day planning committee is already underway generating amazing ideas on how to make this event bigger and better than ever, starting with plans for it to be held in at least 5 countries globally. 

If you want to take part, block out the 3rd and 4th August 2024 in your calendars. To be the first person to find out exactly when and where, make sure you are following our newsletter!

WTF volunteers holding televisions and umbrellas with pink and yellow pig masks on.

Support WTF

We will never pressure our volunteers to fund our organization; by volunteering your time to speak up for animals, you are already doing more than enough! That said, as a registered non-profit organization, we rely entirely on fundraising to pay for the important work that we do; both through donations and grants programs. If you do want to support our work, read below to find out about our latest fundraiser.

Our Fundraiser

We deeply appreciate the commitment of our dedicated activists who tirelessly advocate for animals, and we're thankful for the opportunity to support their efforts. Through funding, training, and community support, we empower our teams and track data to refine effective advocacy strategies. Our global social media community has been a source of encouragement, uniting people worldwide. Our latest fundraiser has been a fantastic opportunity – a generous donor is matching donations until the end of February 2024, up to $25,000! Your financial support will significantly impact our new initiatives, team support, collaborations, and strategies for the year. Every dollar you donate is doubled. Let's raise $25,000 together to challenge animal agriculture and promote a cruelty-free world. Your support matters – be the change! Check out our fundraiser blog post for exciting updates on our new platform and transparency about the fundraiser.

2 WTF volunteers smiling into the distance.

Introducing Our Official Merch Provider, Hoomanwear

After months of speaking with companies from all over the world, we are excited to announce that Hoomanwear is We The Free’s official merch provider!

Hoomanwear is India’s 1st Eco-friendly Causewear Brand, that uses sustainable fashion to create awareness and raise funds for various social and environmental causes! Founded by Harshil Vora in 2020, the brand empowers you to #wearyourmovement and elevate the collective. They donate 30% of their profits from each collection! They offer unique, quirky and meaningful designs on plant-based, premium-quality and super comfortable clothing, all over the world.

You can order a WTF hoodie or shirt with confidence, knowing it's: 

🌱 Sustainable: Printed with inks that are Eco Passport and OEKO-TEX Standard 100 Certified for Sustainable Textiles.
🤝 Ethical: Prioritized ethical working conditions for everyone involved in the production process, ensuring fair wages and safe environments.
♻️ Eco-conscious: Comes in 100% biodegradable, compostable, reusable and plastic-free packaging.

4 people and a dog sat on rocks with beautiful view behind them, wearing We The Free hoodies.
Man wearing a We The Free t-shirt sat in an egg chair petting a brown and white dog.
Lady standing on Merry-Go-Round wearing We The Free crop top.